Beauty is a phrase that often gives cause to different point of views or reflections. In the related video I recently posted I tried to explain my definition of this frequent used word. For sure the dictionary tells us that beauty stands for a combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Some also add it represents a beautiful woman or man.
However, when it refers to a person beauty has in my point of view nothing to do with the outside of a human being, which I usually refer to as “our earthly jacket”. Those of you who have watched my video I AM ME know that I consider our appearance as genetically determined. It makes the nonsensical imposed media opinion – reflected in zillions of pictures of people they consider “beautiful”, constantly feeding our minds with their perception – completely irrelevant. To me beauty comes from within: it’s the light called love, captured in our hearts.
After all we were born with it. Actually, it’s at the core of our existence, reflecting the foundation of our soul. A smile, a helping hand, unconditional love and care for others, for Mother Nature and for all other living creatures are just some random examples. Also forgiveness and unselfish behavior mirrors the beauty of our soul. It’s that simple,not at all complicated and if you live your life accordingly it will lighten up your day. We all know how its warmth gives comfort and strength to others who are facing a tough situation. It makes us look shiny and bright, turning us in sparkling stars that enrich one another with radiant, pure rays of joy and happiness.
Due to circumstances darkness might enter our lives. Since we all have a free will it’s up to us how we deal with any form of negativity that is clouding the beauty within. Are we strong enough to resist it or do we let ourselves be influenced by circumstances, people, believes, surroundings or any other event, making us less open for or even getting our minds of the very meaning of our existence? Unfortunately today’s world carries great weight in how people are behaving. And that usually is not in favor of love.
As a natural optimist I keep the faith that even though we might be completely torn up, we still find our way back to the beauty that continues to stay in our heart. Whatever happens we always do harbor the light of love within. It’s never too late to (re-)start using it since it will always be there, awaiting to be applied in everything we do.
I often refer to the power of Quantum Physics, the snowball effect mentioned in my video’s, posts and notes and how we can influence the collective awareness of the human mind. Since we are all indeed beautiful creatures, it would make a huge difference if we would start to apply science. By bundling our shiny light of love, we will be able to turn this world into a beautiful place.
Once more I thank you for your interest and wish you a very pleasant day, filled with your beautiful presence.
With love,