About herself

Get to know me!
Thanks for visiting my personal page. Here you can find my biography and interviews with personal questions.
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With love,
Author, blogger, senior model, financial executive and initiator of Loveable Light
Born in Bussum, the Netherlands, I began writing in my youth. During the summer holidays I wrote short stories with my sister, Marianne.
I began writing in earnest at a later age. Concerned about the current situation in this world, I started to write a five-part fiction series (The Jessie Golden Earth Series) in which I reflect on what can happen if change doesn’t come. I find it very important to intertwine fiction with reality to share my point of view on things that matter. It also led to the Loveable Light initiative
I have a long track-record in the international IT finance world, working as (international) manager for companies like Cisco, HP and Microsoft.
Sometimes I get a gig as senior model. Due to my everyday job combined with writing, my time is limited. However, I love to make time for a photo shoot to support my own activities.

Most interviews that I conduct are about my books and my personal initiative Loveable Light. Sometimes, however, I am asked different things, most of the time still related to my writing but on occasion giving the reader a bit more insight into me as a person. Recently that was the case with Pat Rullo of Speak Up Talk Radio. Apart from the radio interview she asked me 21 different questions which you can find underneath. You can click on the link to read the pdf-file. Happy Reading!